『ONEXZ』へのコメント(2024年11月28日 12:23)
『裏東京』へのコメント(2024年11月12日 18:15)
I made big money easy and fast with certain怪異 at early stage. Just drop and sell.
Not sure if it's intended. But it may break the game balance.
『裏東京』へのコメント(2024年11月12日 17:37)
RPGMV games may freeze if you keep playing for a long time.
This may help.
1. Find rpg_core.js
2. Search for this line: this._skipCount === 0
3. Change it to: this._skipCount <= 0
Or you can just import the plugin made by kido:
『PROVIDENCE-Recollection-』へのコメント(2024年11月11日 14:01)
Great game! Full of passion.
Novel battle system. Gripping story. Cool characters. Funny gags. 中二. Cat.
I played till the very last. Spent lots of time leveling up. Reached LV99 at last——then spent even more time farming rare drops and earning 20000G for Ex-seeds. Amazing ultimate power-up contents.
The discussion about humanity is interesting. I'm inspired and have a lot thoughts about heroism, Covid and war... but let's just leave it.
Looking forward to the 3rd games you promised.
『Zarie: The Story of Sin』へのコメント(2024年10月 9日 11:38)
Great music. Interesting small talks about humanity and philosophy.
Though, not too much story. And the "sin" is rather questionable.
I played 5 loops before choosing to end it.
Thank you for the game!
『裏東京』へのコメント(2024年10月 2日 00:31)
Thank you for your game! I have a lot of fun playing it. Also learn some Japanese culture.
Here are some advice so we can make it better.
1. Bugs: 並び替えシーン
1.1 Error: LV99, 空欄マス
1.2 Cause: Plugin: SceneFormation.js(ver1.094)
1.3 Solution: Update the script to version 1.097.
Please go to the websiteツクプラ, search for 並び替えシーン.
* 更新履歴:
* ver1.096:240825 * アクターの入れ替え条件を修正
* ver1.095:240429 * 最大レベルのアクターを扱えない不具合を修正
2. Malfunction: ステータス表示拡張
2.1 Problem: Cannot change status with OK key.
2.2 Cause: Plugin: TMStatusMenuEx.js(ver1.0)
2.3 Solution: Replace all "useOKButton" words with "useOKey" in the script.
3. Improvement: 便利ボタン
3.1 Problem: Conflict with original shift(run) function.
3.2 Alternative:Change condition in RPGMV editor from "when shift is pressed" to script:
Then players can trigger 便利ボタン by long-pressing PageDown key.
3.3 Advanced: In fact, we can use plugin to assign CommonEvents to keys.
E.g., 地図表示 to key M, ヘルプ to key H.
Recommend: HIME_CommonEventButtons.js by Hime
4. ダッシュ速度変更
In rpg_objects.js:
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.realMoveSpeed = function() {
return this._moveSpeed + (this.isDashing() ? 1 : 0);
5. Other
Message skip, backlog, fast battle… There are a bunch of easy-to-use and free plugins we can find online.
Thank you again for this great game! Cheers!
『ボクはキミのロボット』へのコメント(2024年9月 4日 16:58)
Short but great game.
People come, people go. Human or robot, everything has an end. But what's before that?
The last BGM is 10℃ by しゃろう. Amazing.
『隣の部屋にラスボスがいる。』へのコメント(2024年8月30日 00:28)
Fantastic game! Reminds me of Castlevania. It was true that there were many bugs, but the fatal ones had already been repaired in the newest version (ver1.0.2). More fun than trouble.
I played for 15+ hours, reached LV65 and Complete Rate 95% in the 1st week. (100% for the 2nd week, of course!). Changed my screen resolution, assisted by JoyToKey, found an incredible place for LV up (hint: silver).
So excited was I each time I found a new weapon. My favorite one was the 聖XXX機. Next were Alchemy Sword and Partisan. And the Dark sword (named "Feel-Nocturne"?), best DPS dealer indeed.
Collecting of mirrors were challenging. Especially the four in that large staircase room, where there was a big invincible monster who just floated away on sight. Well, thanks to a game guide published by んpc in 2012 , I was finally able to collect all the mirrors and confront the hidden boss —— thus 達成率100%—— how joyful was I!
The last scene was touching...tear-jerking. Thank you, マサムネ, and Kisara.
『イルマナ』へのコメント(2024年8月23日 14:05)
Remarkable. Whatever you choose, the endings look the same. Just don’t litter!
I have a few questions:
1. Who teleport those massive construction waste?
It was quite different from other cases: the worst crime, but the lightest punishment. There was even no one killed.
2. What’s the condition of trigger her power?
Was that she could kill anyone as long as she had TOUCHED the things they abandoned or just lost? The MC took the pen she gave him as treasure. Did it become trash once lost?
3. What would she do if she was caught by police?
She met all the victims just before she killed them. There were quite a lot evidence that showed her connection with the crime. Her strange and unconfined attitude toward the 1st victim, her home address, the volunteer pen she gave MC (if she killed him), her being volunteering near those barbecue youngsters. If she kept killing, she would definitely be caught. Then what?
4. Did she really care about the environment, or just felt offended and annoyed, but never guilty?
There are laws and punishment about littering. Pay the fine, clean it back. They can be repaired. There are also laws and punishment about murder. Worst crime. No one like murders.
No one never make trash. Some make a lot, some make few. Some put them into bins and recycle, some litter everywhere. Some countries smuggle rubbish to other countries or throw them into sea, some burn the garbage or bury them in earth. Is CO2 trash? There are so many to talk about trash. No easy answer.
Thank you for this thought-provoking game!
『タテヨコ冒険譚』へのコメント(2024年8月22日 20:03)
Interesting puzzle game!
I just played through this game. Spent quite some time on a few stages, especially the 12th. A little tricky. You need to achieve ‘best’ for all stages and save ink, so as to reach certain ending.
To speak the truth, I was shocked by the CG with word ‘fin’ at last. Is it true ending? Kind of sad.
『黒き竜と黄昏の書[Failed]』へのコメント(2024年8月10日 04:15)
Good game! very impressive. I stayed up late and spent 3 hours to play it though. Collected all the 断片. Also bought it on Booth.
Themes of this game are great: cycles of hatred, enemies to lovers (or friends). It reminds me of Romeo and Juliet. Is this game a tragic? For romantics, 竜と黄昏 might be dark and cruel. But for realists, it is still more like a fairy-tale: a world without language barrier, reproductive isolation, or even bad selfish people. After all, you has been so kind to leave some hope at the end. The last 2 CGs and キヤラ紹介 are adorable, indeed.
Thank you for this beautiful work! 薙沢さん
『私のことを知ってください』へのコメント(2024年8月 7日 23:16)
Thank you for this refreshing game!
“Who is this woman? What happened to me?” It was really interesting to explore the possibility. And it didn’t take me too much time to collect all the 12 endings. I felt relieved!
Luckily, I reached End4 first, and End10 next. May be the best endings. Just still a little confused about what happened after End-11.
『蝋燭の照らす先は』へのコメント(2024年8月 7日 03:13)
Thank you for this great game! I played all the 8 endings. Quite good as a first game.
The graphics are fine, the music's remarkable. I also enjoy the mysterious atmosphere.
And the characters. アイゼン is calm and cool. ガーベラ is delightful and devoted. They are both vivid and charmful——but also naive and vulnerable. They just keep underestimating the danger and killing themselves. In a world full of fatal magic and lethal monsters, a veteran would turn back at the first trial.
There're a lot to talk about the theme, 自己犠牲. Only that it should be necessary under certain circumstance. To devote yourself is not to put both you and your beloved one in danger. Protect your girl’s back!
Thanks. Looking forward to your next work!
『Hi-Communication』へのコメント(2024年8月 6日 00:16)
ありがとう, エリカ and ユーア.
AI is romance. Though, actually we are still far from reaching the true AI, which shall be able to "think" independently and have motivation, rather than order. Robots can act like humans but never think in the same way we do. After all, they can be higher intelligence that we can't understand.
『妄想狂ザナトリウム』へのコメント(2024年7月 2日 17:44)
Crazy! I like it! The most thrilling game I played this year.
Horrible truth kept showing up when I thought I could enjoy some sweet romance. But when I sought the ultimate truth, it was sad and horrible. DESPERATE. Insist or compromise, that is a question. Just know where to stop.
Only after playing this game did I find that ぱげらった was also the author of manga 貧民超人カネナシくん, one of my favorite 4 panel comics. What a surprise!
『狂落天蓋』へのコメント(2024年6月15日 18:16)
Quite good a game!
I spent 60 hours just in 1st week. Most time collecting, fighting Pandora and gambling. Hope we can have a bigger max amount for 珠. I like role-playing games that you have to make moral decisions. Characters that are not simply good of evil can always make you think.
Though, I felt heartbroken when I found that all the items and equipment I spent a lot time to earn in 1st week would just be lost in 2nd week.
Thank you for this great game! Any way I can repay you?
Great game! Very cool. Astonishing CG, short but extraordinary story, charming characters.
I played 5 hours. Didn't want to finish it too soon. Fought many times until I got every rare drops.
But I have to say, the design of menu is troublesome. It’s inconvenient to shift between 2 menus, fight and save. Though, I do recognize that "save" has special meaning in this game.
Love the Interesting talks about philosophy. Circle of creation and destruction. I saw a lot elements of Buddhism and Hinduism. So, XE3X, NEON and Z represents Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva? Genius naming of ZOWZ. Amazed when I finally learned what does the title “ONEXZ” means.
Impressive discussion about meaning of lives. 1/∞=0! In the end, only those who you care matter.
Thank you for this unique RPG! Good luck on game making.
Well, I’m going to play ONEXZ-1.0 now…