A psychological horror story about various strangers who are tormented by a creepy demon that has a hidden secret. 隠された秘密を持つ不気味な悪魔に苦しめられるさまざまな見知らぬ人たちを描いたサイコ ホラー ストーリー。
The storyline will focus on the individuals many encounters with the demon and how it torments each person before moving on to the next victim. ストーリーは、悪魔と何度も遭遇した人々と、次の犠牲者に進む前に悪魔が各人をどのように苦しめるかに焦点を当てます。
The game will consist of two different scenarios named "The Cabin" & "Survivor". A movie mode has also been added to give players a backstory to the events that transpire before "The Cabin & "Survivor".