『ぱくぱく疾風迅雷てまダッシュ』へのコメント(2025年3月 5日 07:42)
『カエルvs鉢植え娘』へのコメント(2025年2月25日 01:51)
Such a fun little game, thank you~!
『お年玉クライシス』へのコメント(2025年2月10日 06:58)
The characters in this game are so adorable~ thank you~!
『戦車vs巨大怪獣娘』へのコメント(2024年10月 9日 05:54)
such a cute game, iLOVE IT wholeheartedly!!!
『EmojiGame』へのコメント(2024年10月 9日 05:51)
You are very welcome~, keep up the good work buddy
『わくわくダークライド』へのコメント(2024年10月 9日 05:49)
Very entertaining and heartwarming game, it also shows improvements from previous installment "マイマイ星人計画“, like faster loading time and larger screen in default, thank you for making this game~!
『EmojiGame』へのコメント(2024年10月 7日 06:27)
Emojis are so cute, and the game itself is fun too, thank you~
『ニャンニャンパンチ』へのコメント(2022年11月20日 10:25)
Such a fun amusing game!
Not only the shooting part is satisfying, but also the dialogue among characters is lighthearted as well. Further more, the difficulty design is well-done. With the normal difficulty, I found it challenging at first, but once I lost several times to boss, I began to pick up attack patterns and eventually able to beat them.
To put it simply, I like this game a lot~!
『Raisond'etre』へのコメント(2022年4月 8日 08:08)
I really like the idea of putting various mini games here and there, not only it enriches the gameplay, but also makes the game more intriguing and fun.
The only gripe I am having is that the plot is a wee bit depressing, I had to take a break every now and then. But other than that, this game is definitely the best free game I've played so far, thank you very much for such a masterpiece!
『忍屋』へのコメント(2021年5月21日 19:03)
Thank you for making such a fun, wonderful and interesting game, this game is definitely the best free game I've played so far. On top of that, heard that you spent 12 years of making this game, there you have earned my utmost respect!!!
The character is adorable, and overall 3D made by unity is pleasing to the eyes.